Welcome to the service for admissions to liberal art colleges in India.

Liberal arts degree courses are interdisciplinary, covering topics such as art, literature, philosophy, and foreign languages. Liberal arts covers:
All these subjects prepare students for careers in a wide range of professions. As a result, when it is time to enter the job market, liberal arts graduates can pursue careers in business, education, government, healthcare, and even science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).

Admissions to liberal arts colleges need a different set of expertise

Both the curriculum and pedagogy of liberal arts colleges are very different from the traditional and so are their admission processes. Whether it is the submission of essays, statements of purpose, letters of recommendation, interviews and evaluation of extracurricular and co-curricular activities, admissions to liberal arts colleges need a different set of expertise.

This is where the role of AdmissionsAssist+™ for Liberal Arts becomes important. It identifies the key considerations while guiding a student for admission to their Liberal Arts courses as mentioned below:

Admizzionz Campuz® guides students to the best liberal arts colleges and universities that suit their profile combined with a ‘personalized’ process of counselling that increases their certainty of getting admission through its AdmissionsAssist+ for Liberal Arts service.

AdmissionsAssist+ for Liberal Arts service guides students through 6 important steps:

Our Offer

The most comprehensive counselling service for admission to liberal arts colleges/universities in India that suits your profile.

Our Commitment

A final interview call by at least one liberal arts college from the 4-5 colleges shortlisted for you (T&C apply)

Professional Fees

  • Professional fees of Rs.65,000/- including taxes for admission to the session starting in 2023

  • Professional fees of Rs.75,000/- including taxes for admission to the session starting in 2024

  • Professional fees of Rs.85,000/- including taxes for admission to the session starting in 2025

  • Professional fees of Rs.95,000/- including taxes for admission to the session starting in 2026

  • Payable towards the AdmissionsAssist+ for Liberal Arts service for shortlisted 5 liberal arts colleges/universities.

  • This also includes AdmissionsAssured™ for Undergraduate service free of charge for a maximum of one course.

  • AdmissionsAssist+ for Liberal Arts is available online or face-to-face at our office in New Delhi.

Payment Options

1. Payment can be made vide bank transfer as per the details below:
career counselling in delhi
2. Payment can be made vide credit card/debit card/ UPI by clicking here or going to the payments page

Our Counsellors

  1. Students will be allotted an experienced counsellor who (on average) has counselled over 1000+ students.

  2. Our counsellors have over 1 lakh hours of career and college admission counselling

  3. Our counsellors are recruited after a rigorous selection process after which they undergo an intensive induction of 6 months before being given the responsibility of counselling.

  4. Our counsellors thoroughly understand both academic and vocational streams of education.

  5. Counsellors have access to our most recent database of college admissions processes for each college and university. This is updated by our team centrally so that the counsellors have the latest information and can give appropriate guidance.

  6. Counsellors go through mandatory visits to industrial establishments and enterprises to get a firsthand feel of the various job roles and career options on the ground.

  7. Our counsellors are adept at guiding students from different subject streams and combinations, whether career guidance or seeking college admissions.

  8. Our counsellors factor in socio-economic constraints that the students may be facing and these are matched with the career, course and college options generated for the students.


The service starts with a kick-off session by the Head of the Counselling Function at Admizzionz Campuz®. This session will cover:

  1. Introduction to the Counselling Team
  2. Introduction to Admizzionz Campuz®
  3. Overview of product and service offerings from Admizzionz Campuz®
  4. Features, Advantages, and Benefits of AdmissionsAssist+™
  5. Service process – what will happen, how and when
  6. Role of the counsellor
  7. What makes the counsellor the right person to deliver the service
  8. The next steps

Careers in Arts Stream
Career Counselling Assistance involves 4 key steps which are discussed threadbare with the student for clarity and decision-making:
  1. Multiple intelligence profiling and analysis – Identifies the dominant, supportive, and dormant intelligences among your multiple intelligences from an 18-page report – based on which your career and college admissions counsellor guides you in shortlisting careers and the ways for effective studying.
  2. Career interest profiling and analysis – Involves a test to identify your vocational personality and career options based on which the careers you would like to take up can be shortlisted in an interaction with your counsellor from a 20-page report. It helps identify the work environments suitable for you, best based on your strengths and weaknesses as discovered from the profiling of your vocational personality types and shortlisted career options.
  3. Needs analysis –identify your requirement from colleges you shortlist for seeking admission on parameters such as – the cost of attendance, proximity to hometown, focus on academics, quality of faculty, quality of infrastructure, quality of placements etc.
  4. Shortlisting courses –Based on your interest, the scope of the course, and future & present-day opportunities for jobs and salaries in the market.
College shortlisting involves

  1. Mapping student’s academic background to college requirements as given in their eligibility conditions and prospectus
  2. Prioritizing of target colleges on various parameters that are important for the student e.g. academic excellence, research orientation, availability of scholarships etc
  3. Shortlisting the colleges onto a target list.
This step involves:

  1. Personalized tracking of all admissions /scholarship related milestones for the shortlisted courses and colleges and keeping the student informed about application forms issue & submission dates.
  2. Guiding the application process through scrutiny and checking for the correctness and completeness of the application forms to be submitted
  3. Tracking admissions – keeping track of the admission process till the student gets admission in one or more of the shortlisted colleges.
  4. Guiding creation of essays, resumes, letters of recommendations
Profile enhancement guidance involves:

  1. Identifying community service activities to create an impactful profile either through school or on one’s own with commitment towards the issues that are close to one’s heart.
  2. Guiding leadership initiatives that the student can take up at school and the community where he/she lives and demonstrate the student’s leadership/entrepreneurial/ teamwork ability
  3. Identifying internships, research projects and/or summer courses, education, and training programs that the student can participate in that will make him/her stand out in her or his class in performing cocurricular activities
  4. Supporting 1 or 2 hobbies/sports which the student will commit to for at least 3-4 years to reach the best possible level (interschool; district; zone, state, national)
  5. Creating and promoting the student’s web presence i.e. website(s), blog(s), vlog(s), social media presence (YouTube channels etc)
  6. Identifying activities such as teaching and mentoring juniors at school to exhibit coaching and mentorship skills

The focus of this step is on reviewing the essays or the statements of purpose written by the student. More specifically it involves:

  1. Supervision of SOP/ Essay writing including providing feedback, red lining and providing inputs on areas of improvement/corrective action so that it is effective in letting the college know who the student is and what makes him or her unique and different from everyone else.
  2. The supervision also involves reviewing drafts of the essays until the final draft is completed and has the potential to convince the college admissions committee that the student is a good match for the college and worthy of being admitted.
LORs can go a long way toward differentiating one student from another. Hence this step involves providing inputs and templates for the LORs that will be given by the student’s teacher/school counsellor to them, so that they can give impactful LORs.

The goal of resume building guidance at Admizzionz Campuz is to:

  1. Present the scholastic and co-curricular activities undertaken by the student.
  2. Showcase the student’s achievements in a manner that creates impact and illustrates what the student is likely to do and contribute to at the college, when he/she joins college.
  3. Indicate the professional goals and aspirations of the student.

Guidance in writing the appropriate admission/standardized test involves:

  1. Advising the students on the tests to take and their scheduling
  2. Guiding students in applying for the standardized tests
  3. Sharing sample papers/ mock test links wherever available
  4. Tracking dates for the admit card release/entrance exams and keeping registered students informed of the same over e-mails.
NB: This does not include coaching and practice of mock tests
Guidance in personal interview preparation involves:

  1. Providing information on the universities/colleges and the courses where personal interviews are part of the admission process.
  2. Sharing details on the type of topics from which the interview questions are asked.
  3. Guidance sessions for the personal interview including mock interviews.
  4. Coaching and practice for the interviews through mocks based on past interview patterns.

Once the student starts getting admission offers from multiple colleges, Admizzionz Campuz® counsellors provide progressive guidance on the right choice of college

  1. Admizzionz Campuz® assists the student in obtaining financial support by providing information on scholarships and assisting the student during the scholarship application process.
  2. Guidance is provided on Educational loans their sources and steps involved

During the course of the AdmissionsAssist+ for Liberal Arts service, the student will be given access to the Admizzionz Campuz® career library where the student can access information regarding a variety of careers.

AdmissionsAssist+ for Liberal Arts in a Nutshell

What Our Students Says

Debangshi Sarkar, Delhi Public School, Noida

“Admizzionz Campuz has been very cooperative and helpful throughout the year. The staff really helped out with regular reminders about admissions and filling of forms. It really made the process smoother”

Abhir Khanna, Modern School, New Delhi

“The team is always available for constant guidance and support. Never have I faced an issue with any doubt. In case they are busy, we always receive a call back and all the issues are addressed satisfactorily. We didn’t have knowledge of quite a few things so the association with Admizzionz Campuz was very enriching.”

Diksha Bansal, Indraprastha International School, New Delhi

“Admizzionz Campuz opened up opportunities for me which I was not aware of and which helped me in broadening the choices for me. This made it easier for me to choose a better career option.”

Aryaman Julka, The Sagar School, Alwar

“The services offered by Admizzionz Campuz have always been very helpful and apt. They have always, without rest guided us to walk on the right path.”